Main » 2011 » July » 02
Auto insurance costs seem to be on the decline as it has been observed in the two sets of data that are generally used to track pricing. When you look at the recent trends in America auto insurance costs have actually dropped by about 6.75% between 2004 and 2008. There was a rise of around 3.4% during the same time as well.

There are two reliable sources of information such as Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NIAC) and both of them have reported that the cost has gone up and down during the same period – how could that be possible?

Cesar Diaz, CEO, auto insurance quote comparison site states that when you look at the numbers given by NAIC and BLS you must also take into consideration the things that are being measured by each one of them.

When you make a proper observation, you will notice that both NAIC and BLS statistics are basically tracking two separate thi ... Read more »

Views: 1227 | Added by: Car | Date: 02.07.2011